Collin Hay
2022 Under 23
National Teams
Three Under 23, 2019, 2021-22
International Results
Won the lightweight pair at the 2022 World Rowing Under 23 Championships...Finished fourth in the lightweight pair at the 2021 World Rowing Under 23 Championships...Finishedsixth the lightweight pair at the 2019 World Rowing Under 23 Championships...Finished second in the under 23 lightweight pair at the 2018 Canadian Henley.
National Results
Won the lightweight pair at the 2022 Under 23 National Team Trials...Won the U23 lightweight single sculls at the 2021 USRowing Summer National Championships...Won the lightweight pair at the 2021 Under 23 National Team Trials...Won the lightweight pair at the 2019 Under 23 National Team Trials.
Collin's hobbies include, but are not limited to, running lukewarm speeds, enjoying visual astronomy and physics through his Orion XT6 telescope, programming text adventure games, and obsessively listening to King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard discography. He has landed on every celestial body in Kerbal Space Program. He obsessively watches Saul Remi physics videos and has suffered through creating several projects in the LISP programming language. Pure happenstance, he was bored during his first fall of high school and needed something to occupy his time. His neighbor, then captain of the team, suggested he give rowing a try. Collin said he went in very unathletic, having no idea what it might entail. He lists Samantha Sarafin, a former captain of the Harvard-Radcliffe team, as his personal hero. She regularly inspires Collin with her relentless work ethic and tolerance to absurd training volumes. Somehow, she managed to get Collin to do 90min+ aerobic sessions during a long stay at home period with no events or racing on the horizon. He created his own open source computer vision software for rowing and is an avid Chipotle enthusiast.
Boat Class
Lightweight Men's Pair (2-)
University of Delaware, 2022
Shrewsbury, Mass.
Training Location
Shrewsbury Mass.